AI-driven Simulation and Design Lab
Name*: Contributed equally
Name: Corresponding author
Conformational dynamics data bank: a database for conformational dynamics of proteins and supramolecular protein assemblies
Do-Nyun Kim, Josiah Altschuler, Campbell Strong, Gaël McGill and Mark Bathe
Nucleic Acids Research, 39: D451-D455, (2010)
A triangular six-node shell element
Do-Nyun Kim and Klaus-Jürgen Bathe
Computers & Structures, 87: 1451-1460, (2009)
Insight into a model for large strain anisotropic elasto-plasticity
Do-Nyun Kim, Francisco Javier Montáns and Klaus-Jürgen Bathe
Computational Mechanics, 44: 651-668, (2009)
A 4-node 3D-shell element to model shell surface tractions and incompressible behavior
Computers & Structures, 86: 2027-2041, (2008)
Node activation technique for finite element model: II. Computation
Do-Nyun Kim, Seung Jo Kim, Young Burm Jee and Jin Yeon Cho
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 31: 45-43, (2003)
Node activation technique for finite element model: I. Theory
Jin Yeon Cho, Do-Nyun Kim and Seung Jo Kim
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 31: 26-34, (2003)